Ceiling Fans Gold Coast
Gold Coast ceiling fan installations
We install all major brands of ceiling fans
If you’re looking for an experienced ceiling fan installer to install some fans around your home, Sparkys Plus can take care of all your ceiling fan installation requirements. Whether you need a new ceiling fan installed, old fans replaced, or your ceiling fan repaired, we can handle it all.
Choosing the right ceiling fan can be quite a difficult process. Some ceiling fans are suitable for outdoors, while others are only for use indoors. There are ceiling fans with remotes, dc ceiling fans, low profile fans and a variety of ceiling fan light options. If you’ve found some ceiling fans but aren’t sure if they’re suitable, we can assist you in finding the right fan for any room in your home. Since we install a large number of ceiling fans on the Gold Coast every season, we also know where the best ceiling fan sales are and are always happy to assist you in finding one.

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Already Have Your Fans? Just Need a Gold Coast Ceiling Fan Installer?
We Install all ceiling fan brands.
Big Ass Fans
Hunter Pacific
The Benefits of Installing Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are extremely cheap to run.
With the vast number of different styles available fans can really add a touch of class to a room.
Since they don’t use much electricity, they are environmentally friendly.
The blade rotation is reversible, allowing the fan to be used in both summer and winter.
Ceiling fans don’t cost much to install and they require very little maintenance.
A ceiling fan improves the efficiency of an air conditioner by circulating air throughout the room.
Ceiling Fan Options & Accessories
You can alter the colour of light that is emitted. (Warm White, Cool White or Daylight).
Fans can run on either AC or DC power.
Ceiling fans come with either a wall mountable ceiling fan controller or a ceiling fan remote controller.
The blades are mainly made from either, plywood, timber, aluminium, stainless steel or ABS Plastic.
Ceiling fan extension rods are available if you have a high ceiling.
In some cases, a ceiling fan light can be purchased and attached to an existing ceiling fan to provide additional lighting in the room.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ceiling Fans are a cost-effective way to cool your home. On a hot humid summer’s day, a ceiling fan can make the room feel up to 5 degrees cooler. When compared to Air Conditioning a ceiling fan uses substantially less electricity and is therefore better for the environment. The running costs on an average ceiling fan are less than 3 cents per hour.
A ceiling fan will help to make an air conditioner more efficient. You can increase the temperature setting a couple of degrees without any noticeable change in comfort. This will help to reduce your electricity bill. In fact, on the majority of days you won’t have to run your air conditioner at all!
- DC ceiling fans are more energy efficient. They can use up to 70% less electricity
- DC ceiling fans often have more speed options and run quieter
- The motor generates more start-up torque and is physically smaller
- Most DC fans are remote controlled and cost more than AC ceiling fans
Some ceiling fans are suitable for covered outdoor areas like a patio or a pergola. Any outdoor ceiling fan must be installed in a location that is not exposed to the weather. Outdoor ceiling fans that are constructed from ABS polycarbonate, Glass fiber composite or stainless steel will withstand the environment much better than timber bladed fans.
Timber blades are marginally quieter than metal blades and also generate slightly less airflow. People that are “light sleepers” may prefer a timber bladed ceiling fan in a bedroom although the difference really is only marginal. Metal bladed fans may be more suitable for larger rooms. The pitch (angle) of the blades also determines the amount of airflow a ceiling fan will generate.
On the whole the number of blades that a ceiling fan has doesn’t have a big impact on the amount of airflow that the ceiling fan generates. There main things that can affect the airflow are the blade pitch and the fan motor wattage. It’s better to compare each fans cubic metres per hour (m3/hr) which is the volume of air that a fan can move in an hour.
The cost of installing a ceiling fan is determined by a variety of factors, including ceiling height, available roof space, circuit protection, and whether it is a new installation or a replacement. When replacing a ceiling fan, the quality of the existing ceiling fan wiring and the location of the ceiling fan will also influence how much a ceiling fan installation costs. With so many variables, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. However, for the installation or replacement of ceiling fans in an average home, we provide fixed-rate pricing. You can find our current rates listed on this page.
The two main things that determine how quiet a fan will be are the fan motor type and the blade material. DC ceiling fans are normally a lot quieter than a similar sized AC fan. Timber or ABS plastic blades are also quieter than aluminium or stainless steel. The amount of care taken when installing the ceiling fan will also have a large impact on how quiet the fan will be. The most popular ceiling fan for somebody that is a light sleeper would be a DC ceiling fan with light and remote control.
Need Ceiling Fans Installed? Get a Free Quote Now!
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0417 799 303
Monday – Friday: 7am to 4pm
Saturday: 7am to 1pm
Electrical Contractors
License Number 56469
ABN 68101610413